Since its founding in 1960, CPA has advocated for the best standards of design and we work to protect the heritage of SB County. Also in 1960, the El Pueblo Viejo was established. The Historic Landmarks Commission was also formed in 1960 to ensure the EPV would be protected through ‘careful City planning and development.” A charter amendment in Nov 1993 was passed by the voters, giving HLC the authority within landmark districts, such as the EPV, among other duties.
CPA values the work of HLC and has always believed that the City Charter gives the HLC control of what goes on in the El Pueblo Viejo. We understand the reasoning behind Title 31which was adopted to deal with all the temporary changes during COVID and resulted in the creation of the StateStreet Master Plan area, but this should not supersede the work of the HLC.
CPA would recommend that the HLC have a standing agenda item with regular staff reports from the SSAC meetings and that the public have access to minutes and documentation during this process. We would also like to see fewer cancelled SSAC meetings. Perhaps by putting the SSAC in a closer partnership with the HLC, meetings will not be canceled.
CPA values transparency, and we applaud the HLC for having this first agendized discussion about the State Street Master Plan process. We look forward to action items resulting from this discussion that should bring the work of the SSAC and HLC more into the public realm. The City Charter gives the HLC authority over the El Pueblo Viejo area so having both advisory bodies working together will produce a stronger document to guide changes to the State Street corridor.
Thank you.
Marell Brooks