Citizens Planning Association

of Santa Barbara County

County-wide advocates for wise, sustainable land-use.

Our Mission Statement

Citizens Planning Association (CPA) is a nonprofit grassroots organization that focuses on countywide land use issues. We advocate for the best standards of design and natural resource protection in order to maintain sustainable communities and protect the heritage of Santa Barbara County.

To further this mission we inform, educate, and engage with residents and decision makers; encourage citizen involvement; and serve as a watchdog for our priority objectives.

About Us

We are a nonprofit grassroots organization focusing on countywide land use issues.

We advocate for the best standards of design and natural resource protection in order to maintain sustainable communities and protect the heritage of Santa Barbara County.


Monthly Events

1st Monday: Speakers Series, noon via zoom

1st Thursday: North County Land Use Committee Meeting: locations vary

2nd Wednesday: Board Meeting at the office or zoom

4th Wednesday:  South County Land Use Committee Meeting:  CPA office at noon 

No Events are currently scheduled

Get Involved

As a grassroots organization, to be strong and effective we need membership involvement.

There are a variety of opportunities to help make a difference in our community through volunteering at CPA.

Latest Event

CPA First Monday Talk, Ken Hough on December 2 is now online

Latest Letter

CPA Warns of Issues with Sable Oil Restarting the Corroding Pipeline
Dear Santa Barbara County Planning Commissioners, Citizens Planning Association asks that you deny Sable’s application to transfer permits for the Santa Ynez Unit, POPCO Gas Plant, and Las Flores Pipelines. Our County has already suffered from the devastating oil spill from those corroded pipelines and surely there will be another catastrophic event if you allow these same oil pipelines to be used. I speak today as CPA President but I want to explain one reason I have stayed with CPA all these years. It is related to Refugio Beach. Personally, my family has camped at Refugio since we moved to the area in 1979. We and thousands of other California families missed out for more than a year on our camping experiences after the oil spill fouled the...
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Recent Letters