Community Resources

Planning Commissions

Following the local planning commissions is a good way of getting an understanding of what’s happening in our communities. Here are the addresses of the South Coast and County commissions for easy access.

The Carpinteria Planning Commission normally meets at 5:30 in the City Hall Council Chambers on the first Monday of every month, 5775 Carpinteria Avenue. Click here to go to their website.

The Goleta Planning Commission meets the second and fourth Mondays at 6PM at the Goleta City Hall, except as noted here

Montecito Planning Commission normally meets on the third Wednesday at 9AM, in the County Planning Commission Hearing Room located at 123 E. Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara. More information and their exact schedule can be found at this link.

The City of Santa Barbara Planning Commission regularly meets on the first, second, and third Thursdays of each month at 1:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, City Hall, 735 Anacapa Street. You can find all meeting times, agendas, roster, and other information at this link.

The County of Santa Barbara Planning Commission normally meets three Wednesdays each month at 9 a.m. in either Santa Barbara or Santa Maria. More information including meeting location and the complete schedule can be found on their website.

South Coast Water Resource Information

Carpinteria Valley Water District with links to 2012 Annual Groundwater Basin Report and to the Urban Water Management Plan. Board normally meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, 5:30PM, 1301 Santa Ynez Avenue, or at City Hall, 5775 Carpinteria Avenue. Check with the district for meeting info: 684-2816.Facebook

Goleta Water District:  Regular Board meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month, 5:30 p.m. at Goleta Water District, 4699 Hollister Avenue. In addition, there are regularly scheduled monthly committee meetings, Public Information Committee, Water Management and Long-Range Planning Committee, and Administration Committee. Dates and times for these are listed on the Goleta Water District website

The Goleta Sanitary District is concerned with wastewater treatment and has its own site. Board meetings are held monthly on the 1st and 3rd Mondays, 6:30 p.m. at 1 William Moffett Place.

Montecito Water District: The Board meets twice per month, on the first and third Tuesdays at 2 p.m. at the District Board Room, 583 San Ysidro Road. Along with drought updates, the site also links to the recent October Conceptual Desalination Feasibility Study.

City of Santa Barbara Water Resources: This is a broadly informative water resources website. It includes a rate calculator for the July 2015 proposed rates and a link to the Rainfall and Reservoir Summary Countywide.
The City Water Commission meets on the second Monday of each month at 3 p.m in the Water Resources Conference Room, 619 Garden Street, 3rd floor.

City / County Resources

▪ City of Santa Barbara City Hall (805) 963-0611 (735 Anacapa Street)

▪ Coastal Commission: 585-1800

▪ Santa Barbara County Parks Department: 568-2461 or 

▪ Santa Barbara County Planning & Development: 568-2000 or ▪ MBAR – Sharon Foster: 568-2026

▪ Zoning Information: 568-2090

▪ Zoning Violation Hotline: 568-3558

▪ Santa Barbara County Public Works: 568-3000 or

▪ Encroachment Permits: 681-4990

▪ Flood Control: 568-3440

▪ Graffiti: 681-5698

▪ Roads Maintenance: 681-5678

▪ Road Signs (County): 568-3000

▪ Solid Waste and Refuse: 882-3600

▪ Street Trees: 681-5678

▪ Traffic: 568-3000

▪ Wildlife Care Network: 681-1080

▪ Santa Barbara Marine Mammal Center: 687-3255

▪ Barking Dogs: 681-5285

Emergency Numbers

▪ California Highway Patrol: 967-1234 

▪ Abandoned vehicles: 967-1234

▪ Parking enforcement: 967-1234

▪ After Hours Non-Emergency #: 477-4174

▪ Caltrans Highway Info: 800-427-7623 or

▪ Cottage Hospital: 682-7111

▪ Edison Emergency: 800-611-1911

▪ Emergency Services: 911 or 683-2724

▪ Fire Protection District (non emergency): 969-7762

▪ Sheriff – Kelly Moore, Lieutenant, Coastal Operations: 684-5405 x420

 ▪ Carpinteria Non-Emergency Dispatch: 692-5743


▪ Marborg: 963-1852 or

▪ Sanitary District: 969-4200 or

▪ Vector Control: 969-5050 or

▪ Water District: (805) 564-5387 or

Community Resources

▪ History Committee: 969-1597

▪ Library: 969-5063 or

▪ MTD: 683-3702 or

▪ Voter Registration: 568-2200 or