January 24, 2021
To: Santa Barbara City Council via Clerk@SantaBarbaraCA.gov
RE: City Council Agenda, January 27, Item #15, Appeal of the Planning Commission’s Approval of a Coastal Development Permit for Bicycle Share Stations in the Coastal Zone
Dear Mayor Murillo and Councilmembers:
This is a request for postponement of Council Agenda Item 15.
Since 1960, CPA has a respected history of paying close attention to City (and County) planning matters. We have been following closely the concepts being presented for State Street and adjoining area revitalizations. In the spirit of openness that we all value, CPA has hosted Zoom meetings featuring the AIA charrette ideas. Manager Brad Hess of the de la Guerra Plaza revitalization project also presented with slides last month.
We are especially dedicated to public awareness and transparency of government, especially in often dense planning issues. That, of course, means that all referenced materials should be available in a timely fashion for the public to read and study. That’s usually 5-7 days before the meeting, including needed weekend reading. This issue of private enterprise providing shared rental bikes in public spaces is done elsewhere, but it is new to Santa Barbara. Your Council packet is the first time many of us learned of this proposal.
Attachment #1, the 10-page-long Appeal document, lists 15 Exhibits, A through O. None of those Exhibits are posted online for the public to see. We cannot have a full understanding without these Exhibits and respectfully request that this Appeal be rescheduled with all the documents available for the public.
Thank you,
Marell Brooks,
President of Citizens Planning Association