Join CPA for a “First Monday” discussion with Dakota Corey, Water Supply and Services Manager for the City of Santa Barbara. Get all your water questions answered!
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Dakota Corey holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the Colorado College and a Master’s of Environmental Science and Management with a specialization in Water Resources Management from the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at UCSB. Upon completing her degree at Bren, Dakota served as the Water Conservation Coordinator for the City of Oxnard for 3 years and a Water Resources Planning Specialist for Kennedy/Jenks Consultants for 2 years. She joined the City of Santa Barbara in 2014 in the middle of the drought as a Water Resources Specialist and then was promoted to the Water Supply Analyst position in 2016 where she worked for the past 7 years. In January, Dakota was promoted to the Water Supply and Services Manager position at the City where she oversees water supply planning, water conservation, metering, customer service, the Water Resources Laboratory, and the Sewer Lateral Inspection Program. A true water nerd at heart, Dakota loves applying analysis and strategy to develop water supply plans and policies that will protect the City’s water supplies for years to come.