CPA Supports Time Line for Terracore; No Extensions Necessary

August1 , 2020

TO: SB County Planning Commission

RE: Terracore Request for Time Extension

CPA has been monitoring the oil industry for more than 60 years in an effort to make sure the industry is safe and our environment is not compromised. Today we urge the Planning Commission not to grant a time extension to Terracore.

We have learned that Terracore’s pipelines would be constructed across five creeks and adjacent to two additional creeks. Oil spills from the pipelines could flow to surface waters and leach into groundwater, especially since no secondary containment is proposed along the 2.9-mile pipeline route to capture oil or hazardous materials. Spills of oil and toxic substances may substantially degrade water quality with the potential for long-term impacts to clean water and natural resources.

CPA believes there is no good reason to grant Terracore’s request. 
To grant a time extension request, there must be a showing of good cause. Terracore has not provided a reasonable explanation for why more time is needed.

The Planning Commission needs to support clean energy in
 Santa Barbara County. The Environmental Impact Report (“EIR”) for the Foxen Petroleum Pipeline admits that oil spill-related impacts to water and biological resources are significant and unavoidable.

The pipelines and the Terracore oil project are one project. 
The California Environmental Quality Act prohibits separating this project into two parts to diminish the significant impacts from oil spills on water quality, and on wildlife and their habitats.

CPA agrees with other groups that the Foxen Petroleum Pipeline EIR is inadequate. 
New information in the EIR for the Terracore oil project shows that the pipelines’ significant environmental effects on water and biological resources are now substantially more severe than previously stated and new significant impacts exist from increased noise.

During this pandemic, the oil industry is near economic collapse. California, and especially Santa Barbara County, should not be propping up the fossil fuel industry instead of supporting more clean energy. Denying this request for a time extension would be a step in the right direction.

Respectfully submitted,

Marell Brooks, President, Citizens Planning Association