CPA Supports Neighbors Opposing Helistop in Montecito

June 30, 2020

To: Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors

Re: Applicant Appeal of the Carpinteria Valley Farms Helistop

Citizens Planning Association has supported community planning and environmental protection for more than sixty years.

CPA urges the Board of Supervisors to deny this appeal. Putting a helicopter landing field on this private property would be creating an incompatible land use and would set a dangerous precedent for our County. Yes, this is zoned agricultural but, in reality, this is more an area of mini-estates and private residences than a sprawling agricultural operation. It should not be allowed to become a helicopter zone.

During the Planning Commission process on this project, CPA disagreed with several of the findings submitted by staff to support this project. In their wisdom, the Planning Commission agreed. Granting this permit for private use under the guise of public benefit does disservice to the neighboring community and violates the existing community plan.

As a Countywide organization, CPA asks that some of the requests are extended to include the North County where illegal helicopter activity is often observed. We ask that you amend codes to ban all personal use helicopter landings on private properties throughout the County and work with the local Airport Authorities, our elected officials in Washington and the FAA to require all copter traffic between LA and Santa Barbara County to travel 2 miles off shore from the westerly Ventura County boundary to the Santa Maria airport.

In conclusion, helicoptors flying in, landing, and taking off in this residential area on a daily basis will create noise impacts that cannot be mitigated. Please deny this appeal.

Marell Brooks

President, Citizens Planning Association