Wednesday, April 8, 2020
To: Santa Barbara Planning Commissioners
Re: Herbal Angels
Citizens Planning Association was founded sixty years ago to make sure that our County created a process whereby residents would have every opportunity to provide input on planning matters.
CPA has previously written in opposition to the Herbal Angels project. We agree with Mr. Mark Chytilo that this project should be denied for the following reasons:
1) the project is out of compliance with all laws, and thus does not qualify for a permit.
2) the project is incompatible with the setting, nearby agriculture, and the adjacent EDRN.
This cannabis project is asking to put an industrial operation on agricultural lands and to bring its negative impacts too close to the residential parcels in the Cebada Canyon EDRN. Herbal Angels needs to create a project which will have industrial activities in an industrially zoned area, such as the agricultural cooling plants that are now within the city limits of Lompoc. Also they should follow other cannabis projects which are using ag. land with easy access to a major roadway, such as Highway 246.
The proposed project does not follow existing county policies and should be denied. CPA also encourages the creation of a Lompoc Valley Community Plan so that the voice of the residents would better guide the planning process.
Respectfully submitted,
Marell Brooks, President, Citizens Planning Association