CPA Opposes Huge Project in Funk Zone

Letter presented to the SB City Architectural Board of Review July 10, 2022

Citizens Planning Association appreciates the opportunity to comment on the proposal before you today.  Several members have made a site visit to view the story poles and they have read the staff report. The following comments are a result of these studies.

  • The project as presented is too large and completely out of scale for the area
    • It is not compatible with the existing historic and current neighborhood character.
    • The Proposed project is almost 3 times the maximum residential densitywhich is in addition to over 18,800 sq ft of commercial uses.
    • The massive proposed project blocks important public views of the mountains creating urban canyons, and will block sunlight from existing streets and residences.  The project exceeds height limits of 45’/3 stories.  The project is too tall for this site, will dominate the Funk Zone, and will be visible from throughout the city.  This is not the right place to have 60’ heights in such mass.
    • Project as proposed displaces existing uses, including support for the important commercial fishing industry and affordable artist studios. Again, this will change the character of the neighborhood in ways that are not good for our city or our waterfront.
    •  Project as proposed is under-parked and will exacerbate the existing parking and circulation problems in the area, making the project incompatible with the surrounding neighborhood. The use of valets should not be used to compensate for under-parking in design.

In addition to the size, bulk and scale being totally out of proportion for the neighborhood,
the building is unattractive.   There is no true Santa.Barbara style, dignity, or handsomeness proposed.  We believe your commission needs to convey this to the developer at this point in the process.

CPA urges the commissioners to reject this current proposal and suggests the developers/architects try to come up with a project which is more compatible with the surrounding Funk Zone area.

Marell Brooks, President, Citizens Planning Association

For more information about this project and how you can help visit